Tag Archives: Annexed

Annexed by Sharon Dogar

Peter van Pels is known to many people as “Peter van Daan.”  He was the boy whose family was in hiding along with Anne Frank and her family during WWII.  For this book, Sharon Dogar considered how Peter might have felt and how he might have differed from the portrayal in Anne’s diary.  Each person has a unique perspective which affects how s/he views the world, and this book gives readers the opportunity to both revisit the annex and to reconsider what they thought they already knew about Anne Frank and her relationship with Peter van Pels.  I will admit, I was a bit skeptical when I first heard of this book.  I am pleased to say, though, that I really got into the story and think Dogar did an amazing job of reading between the lines of the diary to create an utterly believable story as told by Peter.

Happy Reading!